Celeste Headlee's TED talk is an engaging exploration into the art of conversation and the challenges of maintaining polite dialogue in a highly polarized world.
Angela Lee Duckworth's TED talk explores the transition from management consulting to teaching, the role of 'grit' in education, and how to cultivate it.
Unlock the secrets behind exceptional success with the Golden Circle concept, and discover how understanding the 'why' can lead to greater achievements.
Michael Lopp's "Leadership by Numbers" presentation delves into the many facets of leadership, from the role of a leader to the challenges they face, and the importance of wisdom, communication, and diversity in leadership.
Leadership Development
* Advocating for your product
* Being a better leader
* Being a new manager
* Being a new PM
* Being a PM without a technical background
* Being a servant leader under Psychological Safety
* Feeling legitimate leading a team you haven't worked with before
* Gaining respect from your product team
3 min read
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