Engineering Leadership Training Topics

Engineering Leadership Training Topics

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Leadership Development

  • Advocating for your product
  • Being a better leader
  • Being a new manager
  • Being a new PM
  • Being a PM without a technical background
  • Being a servant leader under Psychological Safety
  • Feeling legitimate leading a team you haven't worked with before
  • Gaining respect from your product team
  • Gaining support from an executive sponsor
  • Giving constructive feedback
  • Growing in your career
  • Handling work-related stress and tension in your team
  • Having more impact as a manager
  • Having more impact as an Individual Contributor
  • Helping your direct reports grow in their career
  • Improving your one-on-ones
  • Managing a disagreement between you and other managers
  • Managing people with a different skillset than yours
  • Managing & retaining rockstar developers
  • Managing someone more skilled / experienced than you
  • Managing upward
  • Overseeing your reports' work without micromanaging
  • Resolving unhealthy atmospheres
  • Standing up for your team
  • Training a manager to be a manager of managers
  • Training an IC to a management role
  • Transitioning from IC to management
  • Transitioning from managing ICs to managing managers

Leadership and Management

  • Becoming a manager of PMs
  • Becoming an engineering manager without a technical background
  • Being a better leader
  • Being a new manager
  • Coaching emotional and social skills
  • Delegating and increasing the accountability of your reports
  • Empowering your product team
  • Gaining respect from your product team
  • Handling promotion
  • Having more impact as a manager
  • Having more impact as an individual contributor
  • Managing in a matrix organization
  • Managing junior engineers
  • Managing people with a different skillset than yours
  • Managing & retaining rockstar developers
  • Managing someone more skilled/experienced than you
  • Managing upward
  • Plan your succession
  • Resolving unhealthy atmospheres
  • Retaining engineers and preventing churn
  • Retaining high performers
  • Rewarding high potentials
  • Training a manager to be a manager of managers
  • Training an IC to a management role
  • Transitioning from IC to management
  • Transitioning from managing ICs to managing managers

Team Building and Collaboration

  • Aligning your team with the company goals / vision
  • Building engagement and motivation when onboarding
  • Building / formalizing the career ladder in your company
  • Building trust as a manager
  • Building your company culture
  • Collaborating better with your remote teams
  • Communicating with non-engineering teams / people
  • Communicating with your product team
  • Delegating and increasing the accountability of your reports
  • Developing team rapport
  • Empowering teams to be more autonomous
  • Handling promotion
  • Handling the first promotions in an early-stage startup
  • Improving collaboration between cross-functional teams
  • Improving collaboration between engineering and business
  • Improving collaboration between engineering and product
  • Improving collaboration between engineers of the same team
  • Improving collaboration with contractors
  • Improving documentation
  • Improving sprint planning
  • Increasing diversity in your team
  • Increasing the engagement and productivity of your team
  • Increasing visibility
  • Introducing automated testing
  • Keeping a team motivated when downsizing
  • Making hiring more time-eļ¬ƒcient
  • Managing junior engineers
  • Managing your product team remotely
  • Onboarding and training junior developers
  • Providing learning opportunities to engineers
  • Putting ego aside
  • Putting feelings aside
  • Sharing Information through an Eng Team
  • Structuring a scaling team
  • Structuring processes of a scaling team
  • Successfully integrating new teams after an acquisition
  • Successfully onboarding new hires
  • Working with former peers

Hiring and Recruitment

  • Assessing technical abilities when interviewing
  • Hiring for a different skillset than yours
  • Hiring people from non-traditional backgrounds
  • Knowing what profile/skillset you need to hire
  • Recruiting PMs
  • Sourcing and attracting great engineer candidates

Product Development

  • Building a data product
  • Building a MVP with AI
  • Building and managing a data team
  • Building and managing a product team
  • Building and managing a security team
  • Building and managing platform team
  • Building a product from scratch
  • Building a product team from scratch
  • Building a QA team
  • Conducting user research
  • Defining the product strategy
  • Defining well your product metrics
  • Empowering your product team
  • Finding a product-market fit
  • Prioritizing product features
  • Prioritizing what your team should work on
  • Setting up a product roadmap

Product Management

  • Advocating for your product
  • Building a data product
  • Building and managing a product team
  • Defining the product strategy
  • Defining well your product metrics
  • Ensuring alignment
  • Finding a product-market fit
  • Handling work-related stress and tension in your team
  • Improving collaboration between engineering and product
  • Launching a product in a new continent/country
  • Managing expectations on product
  • Managing your product team remotely
  • Prioritizing product features
  • Providing learning opportunities to engineers
  • Setting up a product roadmap

Technical Development

  • Assessing technical abilities when interviewing
  • Being a software engineer in a hardware company
  • Breaking a monolith into microservices
  • Building and managing a data team
  • Building and managing platform team
  • Changing a company
  • Choosing the right architecture
  • Coaching emotional and social skills
  • Developing a strategy

Technical Skills and Practices

  • Breaking a monolith into microservices
  • Developing a strategy
  • Implementing Squad/Tribe structure in Engineering Team
  • Improving a peer review process
  • Improving collaboration between cross-functional teams
  • Improving documentation
  • Improving on-call
  • Improving sprint planning
  • Introducing automated testing
  • Measuring the performance of your engineers
  • Migrating from manual QA to automated QA
  • Migrating to cloud
  • Scaling a product team
  • Setting up an architecture committee
  • Setting up dev processes
  • Solving complex technical problems
  • Understanding and implementing metrics for my team or myself
  • Working in an agile environment

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